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Next Sale: Tuesday 11th March, starting at 10.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.
Hannam’s auctioneer’s summer auction proved a success yet again, with an increase in bidders and a busy saleroom, they managed to push through 750 lots in one day. Over 400 bidders registered online, multiple phone lines booked throughout the day, and numerous commission bids left, the opportunities to bid at auction are becoming much easier for the public.
Highlight of the sale was a fine 19th century Vienna framed porcelain panel by Eduard Baerschneider. Discovered in a flea market in Europe, this wonderful piece commanded six phone lines along with both online bidding platforms. After an enthralling battle the panel finally found a home, selling under the hammer for an impressive £14,000.
Two other lovely European works of art that sold during the auction were a late 19th century Pramien automat polyphon C1895, manufactured by Polyphone Musikweke, Leizpig and a wonderful late 19th century French silvered bronze and ivory figure of Joan of Arc by Louis Ernest Barrias, selling for £3,800 and £2,600.
Clocks still prove to hold their own in the industry, with a rare 19th century French industrial quarter deck clock selling for £6,200 and a good 19th century French bronze champlevé enamel clock garniture selling for £1,800.
Hannam’s confirmed their reputation as Chinese and Japanese specialist experts, as the 400 lot Oriental works of art category proved once again a success. Notable results included a fine Chinese Qing dynasty Ge type Kong vase, with Qianlong marks selling for £8,000, a Chinese cloisonné enamel twin handled censer selling for £4,800, and a fine 19th century Chinese carved hardwood open display cabinet in a European manner selling for £6,000. Highlight of the Oriental section was a stunning Chinese cloisonné enamel Gu shaped vase, standing over 1 foot tall and selling for an impressive £9,000.
Hannam’s will have three more auctions before Christmas, with their next on 4th September. They invite people to come and visit their showroom in Selborne, Hampshire and have their items valued for free, with the option to consign them for auction.
For further information please call the office on 01420 511788 or email
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