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Next Sale: Tuesday 11th March, starting at 10.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.
A wonderful private collection of Austrian cold painted bronzes, consigned locally, sold at Hannam’s February auction. The fourteen piece collection, including Franz Xavier Bergmann’s and Moritz Spitz bronzes were entered into Hannam’s Auctioneers 2,700 lot auction. Telephone, internet and room bidders battled it out to claim these late 19th century figures that included a variety of dog breeds. Two pieces of the collection that were fiercely fought over were a very large early 20th century Austrian cold painted bronze figure of a Churchill bulldog, selling for £2,600, and a good large late 19th century Austrian cold painted bronze inkwell by Moritz Spitz, in the form of a standing hare holding a cabbage leaf, selling for £3,400.
The highlight of the private collection was an extremely rare Austrian art nouveau automaton bronze figure of a nude female by Carl Kauba, which had wonderful revolving tassels at her waist when activated. Such was the rarity of the item, a private collector from Europe came to the saleroom to claim the antique for £5,800. Austrian sculptor Kauba (1865-1922) was renowned for impressive detailed work of Native Americans bronzes, along with other human sculptures. With his works of art very much sought after by collectors, it came as no surprises to Hannam’s that the automaton figure gained so much interest. In total, the private collection of bronzes generated a hammer price of £18,000.
Hannam’s invite the public to their saleroom in Selborne throughout the week and they also offer free valuations every Monday from 10am till 2pm. Their next Fine Art auction will be on 11th, 12th and 13th April, with viewing starting on Monday 9th April from 10am. Final deadline for consignment for items for this auction will be Wednesday 21st March. For additional information please call the office on 01420 511788 or email
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