Hannam's | English & Continental Ceramics

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Next Sale: Tuesday 11th March, starting at 10.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.

English & Continental Ceramics

If you are unsure if your item fits into one of these categories, please email using Valuations page for a free Valuation on your object, where we can advise a suitable sale and value of the piece. It was the English who began making porcelain late in terms of the rest of Europe, with several English factories using the glassy type of soft paste, a broad collectors range for English and Continental ceramics ensures fierce competition for these works of art when put into auction, Harry Hannam has experience in Ceramics from the 18th century onwards, an example list of sought after factories, manufacturers and styles is listed below:
  • Worcester
  • Liverpool
  • Bow
  • Vauxhall
  • Bristol
  • Mennecy
  • Sevres
  • St Cloud
  • Vincennes
  • Meissen
  • Royal Crown Derby
  • Royal Doulton
  • Majolica and Faience Wares
  • Russian Imperial Porcelain
  • Wedgwood
  • Staffordshire Pottery
  • Delft Pottery
  • Minton