Hannam's | Clocks

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Next Sale: Tuesday 22nd April, starting at 9.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.


If you are unsure if your item fits into one of these categories, please email using Valuations page for a free Valuation on your object, where we can advise a suitable sale and value of the piece.
A traditional collecting field with high prices being paid for Time Pieces, an emerging interest from Russia and China has seen an increase in the demand for Clocks to be sold by public auction in the UK, Hannams Auctioneers has clients worldwide willing to pay top prices for the right time pieces, these include:
  • Carriage Clocks
  • Longcase Clocks
  • Wristwatches
  • Porcelain Clocks
  • Mantle Clocks
  • Regulators
  • Barometers
  • Bracket Clocks
  • Boulle Clocks
  • Industrial Clocks
  • Clock Garnitures