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Next Sale: Tuesday 11th March, starting at 10.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.


Hannam’s Auctioneers started 2017 with their largest sale in their history. With over 1,700 lots spread over two days and 2,229 approved bidders online, the growth of the internet buyer was noticeable for all to see. From over 100 lots of English and Continental porcelain, 100 lots of paintings, 50 lots of clocks and watches, 200 lots of objet d’art, and over 500 lots of Oriental works of art, there were antiques and collectables for everyone’s taste and price range.

With fantastic prices scattered across all departments, some noticeable results included a beautiful German carved dolonite, obsidian and agate figure of an eagle by Erwin Klein, selling for £8,000. A good large Louis Vuitton leather bound trunk sold to a telephone bidder for £4,000 and an extremely rare pair of Royal Bayreuth hunting fox candlesticks sold to an online bidder for £2,200.

With the online platforms becoming more vigilant over the sale of ivory, rhinoceros horn and tortoise shell, vendors have begun consigning more and more of these items. More importantly, bidders have also become aware of the restrictions and have been buying these items before it becomes unavailable. Although it is still possible to sell these works of art, it is inevitable that this will soon change in the foreseeable future, and Hannam’s encourage the public to consign any items of this nature if they would like to receive its true value.

Within the Oriental department, one ivory item that caught a lot of attention to telephone bidders and online bidders was a good large 19th century Chinese canton ivory basket and cover pierced with figures within landscapes. Despite competitive bids across multiple online platforms, it eventually sold to a European collector for £6,000. Other results included a good 19th century Chinese framed Hongmu and silkwork screen on stand for £2,800, a fine 19th century Chinese export three piece silver teaset attributed to Wang Hing for £2,400, and a fine early 20th century Japanese Meiji period polychromed ivory flower pot modelled as brightly coloured sprouting flowers selling for £2,500.

Within the two day sale, Hannam’s had a fantastic private collection of clocks, including mantle, carriage and French ormolu. An unusually large French cased hardstone inset carriage repeater clock sold for £3,200 to a collector in the saleroom, a lovely 19th century French ormolu and sevres porcelain repeater carriage clock sold for £2,700, and a superb large 19th century French champlevé enamel carriage clock within its original leather case sold for £2,800.

Hannam’s invite the public to their saleroom in Selborne throughout the week for coffee or tea and they also offer free valuations every Monday from 10am till 2pm. Their next Fine Art auction will be on Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th February, with viewing starting on Tuesday 21st from 10am. For additional information please call the office on 01420511788 or email sales@hannamsauctioneers.com.








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