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Next Sale: Tuesday 22nd April, starting at 9.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.
Hannam’s Auctioneers’ June auction exceeded all expectations with a record sale. With 531 registered bidders online, 30 telephone bidders and a crowded auction room, the auction room celebrating its first year in the Industry were kept busy throughout the sale.
Star of the show was lot 556 a superb 17th century Chinese transitional period rouleau vase selling for £48,000, followed by lot 722 a large 19th century Japanese Meiji period bronze figure of an archer that sold for £20,000. A potential world record sale came from lot 478 a fine and extremely rare late 19th century export silver and enamel teaset by Wang Hing, selling for an impressive £18,000. Along with that, lot 526 a 19th century Chinese export silver four piece tea service c1880 sold for £7,000 and lot 488 a 19th century Chinese export silver chalice c1865 by Leeching sold for £4,200.
Carrying on from previous auctions at Hannam’s, the clock department performed well with lot 270 a very rare 19th century French industrial bronze mantel clock selling for £5,500. Two other standout lots were lot 300 a fine 19th century French champlevé enamel and porcelain clock garniture, and lot 384 a fine and rare 19th century French champlevé enamel industrial clock, selling for £3,000 and £4,800 respectively.
Hannam’s Auctioneers next auction will be at the end of July, date to be confirmed, and they invite the public to enter lots into the forthcoming sale. The auction room can be found in Selborne village, and they also offer free house visits for customers, as well as free valuations at the saleroom. For further information please visit their website or call on 01420 511788.
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