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Next Sale: Tuesday 22nd April, starting at 9.30am
Viewing on the morning of sale only.


Despite the tragic global pandemic, Hannam’s Auctioneers have sensibly battled through Covid-19 and hosted multiple auctions online for the public. A successful three-day auction in April saw 5,894 approved online bidders approved from across all three of the platforms where Hannam’s host their sale.

Two beautiful Japanese works of art stole the show on the second day, firstly a stunning 19th century Japanese Meiji period iron and gold miniature cabinet, attributed to Komai Otojiro, for £11,000. Then a 19th century Japanese Meiji period mix metal inlaid iron box in the manner of Suzuki Michihiro, for £9,000.

The most popular piece in the sale was an interesting and rare 19th century French industrial maritime revolving clock overlaid with anchors, buoys, and rigging. With the demand for multiple telephone bids from hopeful bidders, and with health and safety issues a concern within the saleroom, Hannam’s staff had a tough time managing the demand for such an appealing piece. But the staff managed to appease the demand, with the item eventually selling for £5,500, ten times its original estimate.

Hannam’s can also assist by providing a comprehensive professional probate valuation of an estate. They can take the worry out of your hands by helping you value an estate and settle the affairs. Their valuers will provide a professional researched detailed report following an appointment to attend the estate. Some insurers may require or recommend that you have a professional valuation document to support any claims for an item, should something unexpected happen and Hannam’s Auctioneers can offer these insurance valuations. Alternatively, you may wish for a formal valuation of items in your home to ensure you apply the correct insurance policy via the right provider.

Throughout the year Hannam’s will be hosting specialist auctions in between their three-day monthly auctions. These will be available to view the day before and the morning of the sale, and as always, online. The next auctions shall be a two-day auction commencing on 22nd June, followed by an auction on 14th July. For free valuations and consignment entries please visit their Selborne saleroom, or for further information please visit the website www.hannamsauctioneers.com or call the office on 01420511788.

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