Hannam’s Auctioneers, of Selborne are delighted to announce that they sold a Chinese 'Islamic market' blue and white globular vessel in their September auction for £70,000. This is a new record for Hannam’s Auctioneers, who are currently in their second year since opening last summer. The Blue and white vessel, highlighted in iron red with scrolling foliage and vines. This sale shows how rapidly Hannam’s Auctioneers have grown in such a sh...
Hannam’s auctioneer’s summer auction proved a success yet again, with an increase in bidders and a busy saleroom, they managed to push through 750 lots in one day. Over 400 bidders registered online, multiple phone lines booked throughout the day, and numerous commission bids left, the opportunities to bid at auction are becoming much easier for the public.
Highlight of ...

Hannam’s Auctioneers’ June auction exceeded all expectations with a record sale. With 531 registered bidders online, 30 telephone bidders and a crowded auction room, the auction room celebrating its first year in the Industry were kept busy throughout the sale.
Star of the show was lot 556 a superb 17th century Chinese transitional period rouleau vase selling for £48,000, followed by lot 722 a large 19th century Japanese Meiji period bron...

Hannam’s Auctioneers underwent their largest auction to date with great success last Friday. The 900 lot sale on the 24
th April attracted many new faces to Hannam’s auction room in Selborne, Hampshire, as well as over 400 customers from across the world bidding via the internet and telephone.
As always the oriental market is still as strong as ever, with a lovely Chinese Qing dynasty Wucai porcelain brush washer selling for £8,...
Hannam's second auction of the calendar year largely focused around a private consignment of watches, collected from the 1980s onwards and into the early 2000s, with many prized watches up for grabs a busy saleroom with over 50 in the room and nearly 600 online bidders battled for the time pieces, around 90% of the omegas found buyers with prices realised from £200 for a standard 1970s steel version upto £850 for a more unusual RAF issue e...

Hannam's first sale of 2015 carried on from last year, with strong prices for Chinese & Japanese Works of Art, but also for all areas 'Time' related, a locally consigned wristwatch by Vacheron & Constantin, lacking its winder and with wear to the dial, sold for over ten times its auction estimate, £800-1200 was soon eclipsed when 7 phone lines contested for the prized piece, dating from the 1940s, before eventually selling to a delighted...

All prices excluding premium,
Hannams final sale of 2014 once again proved the Chinese Market shows no sign of stopping with strong prices for selected works of art, Clocks are also becoming increasingly popular at auction, the top seller being a wonderful Automaton bird clock by Bontems of Paris selling to a Chinese buyer for £12,000, a wonderful 19th century French porcelain panelled carriage clock made £3800 and from the same ve...
All prices excluding buyers premium
Hannam’s Auctioneers new premises at the Old Dairy in Selborne has seen its own in house record for a single item sold at auction broken in three consecutive sales, on October 23
rd, £26,000 was achieved for a Chinese Qing Dynasty buddhistic figure, four phone lines including a top Chinese collector battled against a £10,000 estimate before it was eventually knocked down to a...
All prices excluding buyers premium
Hannam’s Auctioneers of Selborne, Hampshire, were left celebrating along with local vendors, after their second sale since their launch in July 2014 was a great success, with many lots offered with tempting estimates, fetching top prices with over 700 registered bidders Worldwide, from the USA to the Northern Regions of Russia, Clocks and Oriental Works of Art were again flavor of the mo...
All prices exclude buyers premium
Hannam’s auctioneers were celebrating a successful first auction held on July 10
th, with a high percentage of selling rates and a busy saleroom, over £200,000 was taken in 500 lots, it bodes well for future auctions, over 500 online bidders had registered for the auction, from over 47 different countries, ensuring fierce competition for prized articles, the top seller ...